April 11, 2002 – Typical sleepless night.  I was getting bugged out earlier from a stupid thing.


About a week and a half ago, I somehow saw a link to a site (I have no clear recollection of where I found the link, in all honesty).  The URL was:  http://kysaonline.com/kysa/


I noticed there was a subdirectory called qa.  I went there and saw a FAQ of sorts on this person.  Kind of explicit (NFSW, btw).  No biggie.  Then, someone I chat with often, Sara (http://www.whenimqueen.com), who like ‘Kysa’ is from Newfoundland made me remember the site.  Just for shits and giggles, I looked through my history and found the URL just to say ‘Hey, I found a fellow Newfie’s site’.  I didn’t pay much attention when I looked up the URL. 

Today, I was again chatting with Sara and I decide to hit the URL again but I look for an index or default file.  I get http://www.kysaonline.com/index1.html.  I notice at the bottom of the picture, there is text ‘Kysa Braswell died April 7, 2002’.

For those few people who know me long term, April is a bad month for me historically.  And this is especially true for issues with people dying.  So…I was bugging out.  Not that kind of ‘I need Xanax to calm down’ bugging out but an ‘I feel like I just took Xanax and am having a psychic experience’ bugging out. 


I chat with Sara for a while longer and this site becomes a topic of conversation – mainly since I had mentioned it to her likely on the 7th or so and she is the only person I know in that area of the world. 


Sara mentions to me ‘What is she did it for publicity?’.  Good point given I am the person who always suggests some popular cam site should stage the murder of the cam star just for publicity (with proper disclaimers on the site, duh!).  So, I look around and find this:



So, it appears to be a very high quality hoax site.  At least McVeigh is not involved this time around.