April 22, 2002 – Damn, I must be bored.  I am watching some crap on VH1 since Comedy Central decided to stop airing The Critic, Duckman and TV Funhouse on Sunday nights.  The still list these shows as Sunday night shows BUT they are not on and have not been on for weeks and weeks.  Furthermore, HBO is not showing its Sunday night lineup right now, either.  So, I have to deal with the realization that somehow televised fecal matter like Battlebots and insipid What-If-Mike-Judge-Had-Less-Ability-Than-He-Does sewer snakes like South Park somehow fetch more interest in people than far better shows.  Eugenics…if there ever was a justification…


So I end up watching Sci-Fi and History since nothing else is on. 


I am kind of down tonight.  I was chatting with Sara and ranting.  I am not entirely happy with work right now although this week may prove to be a better week than usual.  The person I was holding hope might be a future romantic interest seems to be blowing me off.  People I know online seem to be blowing me off, for that matter, as are a few I used to work with.  No one is online.  Nothing is on TV.  I have no motivation to read or study.  I keep thinking about going to Paris next summer and miss my friends in France.  I need to plan for the LV trip in May.  I need to work on getting a new place to live (actually, I have worked on this today).


As far as my issues with work…well, I mentioned the conscription to the social activities committee.  I did attend the meeting, spoke my peace, and realized it would be months before much of anything happened with it.  Given my lack of patience, this is not a good sign.  Nothing much else is happening at work.  I just feel less at home there than I did in August.  I have no good friends there.  I have a few acquaintances but never get invited to do anything since they all seem to have their own ‘lives’ – be it repetitive hangover creation or family issues (or a huge lack of common ground with me).  I kind of long to go back to a high tech company since I get the impression I am seen as a disruption at my work as of late.  That is something I will have to think about for a while…


Damn, I also have that San Diego trip to plan but that is two months away.


Well, it is 2 am, everyone from Europe on my contact list(s) is logging in.  I need to go and wonder what sleep might be like.